Thursday, November 02, 2006

Soldier Still Missing

Ahmed al-Taie, a 41-year-old linguist and U.S. soldier, is still missing after being kidnapped by gunmen while attempting to visit his family ten days ago. There's been absolutely no dialogue between his kidnappers and the U.S. military.

Does the Iraqi government (whom we've liberated, founded and propped up) care about our plight? Not enough to allow us to conduct roadblocks to try and locate our soldier. Why was this move made?

Take a look at this Reuters article.

It seems the city in which these roadblocks took place is under the influence of al-Sadr's lot. For the uninitiated, al-Sadr is the Shi'ite pile of dog feces that's operating (it's suspected) as a proxy of Iran and is leading one of the three major factions opposing the Coalition. What does that have to do with Maliki's call for the dismantling of the roadblocks?

Power. The cleric controls a faction that holds political sway in the new government, and Maliki wants an ally. His justification?

Asked about U.S. policy toward Sadr, whose supporters rose up against U.S. forces on two occasions in 2004, Caldwell said: "He's a part of this political process. From the comments he's made recently he wants to see violence reduced. He wants to see greater peace and security for Iraqis."

Screw his recent remarks. You are defined by your actions. al-Sadr is a man who compells his followers to acts of cruelty and barbarism, and is a barbarian himself. I say we go door to door in Sadr City, asking for leads on our soldier, always with the polite reminder that if we don't find him in another week, we're going to level that festering sore with carpet bombs.

You take one of ours, we kill one hundred of yours. That has to be our policy. KEEP POLITICIANS OUT OF WARS.


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